Started by BoroRedKen, August 28, 2023, 10:28:20 AM

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Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Quote from: MrCrocket on August 30, 2023, 02:50:05 PMCan't do out about it pal Big Nicks Involved  :katie:

Boards upped another gear ..mental  :supremeleader:


I've had a busy day today let Me tell you . . .

Just after My walk in Albert park earlier I was in Waterloo news, leafing through 'At one with nature' magazine.

I come across this story about the Sasquatch and a few of the places in the Pacific Northwest, where they have been sightings.

There was a story in about some locals that had come across a massive footprint and thought it was a Sasquatch.

Some scientists from The big science museum, -think it was in London were flown over to have a look, take a cast, then take it back to London.

When they got back to the lab they put it in that big machine that can tell if it's a Sasquatch or not.

It turned out that it was actually a hoax!

When it all came to light, after they checked flight records, bus receipt's etc.

They found out it was Big Nick's!

He'd only jogged through there after he had missed the last bus to Madagascar. He was due there as he was supposed to be teaching some locals how to do Kung Fu.

I bet he was absolutely livid!

I'm glad I never bumped into him . . .
Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Wotcha Moonies Ole Ted ere . . .

Ere Ives bin weeding vis palaver on ere sum fella big Vic or sumfink keeps gettin bwought up?

Bit ov a lamp, finks hesa bit saucy. Bin wackin ve ole bwains, ivez Neva erd of ve . . . Anyhow, I seez he worked wiv ve daws yeah?

Well I got on ve blower to me ole mate Jim Mowwison . . . E ernt eva erd of im eeva!

Gots me finking yeah . . .
So I gets me gwandsan Winston to aves a look, surfboard ve ole internet, I cants swim.

He finds vis sight fly me to ve doom or sumink?

Cor bwimey it ain't arf depwessing on ver, vey all goffs or summat?

Sam mush fwed best or summat wans it.

It's all bwaggin bout vis n vat, LWTV+1 or sumfink.

Listen write I ain't no waistist or sumink yeah,
Who d'yer fink started ve ole paffs picnic upstairs in ve gin palace back in ve day?

It's not about vat, I ain't cammin on ere to say my kettle is bigga van yours, coz it is.

Blimey naw wonda people finks youz is norvern erberts, some right Toby's is on ver . . . . Yew wots!!.

Ven it gots me finking maybe vis ole Vic isa bit ov a Bertie eh, ve ole cozzers nark?

I gots young Winston to shat it darn, darn wanna see vat, bosh outa ver.

Ives been ve ole ave some pawk & ve wiverside, sits wiv Me ole mate stewy Gibson.

Always seez my ole mate lids, meets me off ve rattler takes me for a parma, meets all ve ole clothesline, some tasty geezers ver I tells ya!!

Ver all sweet as a nut mate, like my ole mate lids, geezers.

I dawn arf end up wiv a bad ed vough . . . Mast be off all ve lite n bitter's vey buy Me.

Listen Moonies . . .

Be like Ole Ted.

Be nice eh?

*Got sam banging Gary's if anyone is intwested, pm for details, no strap!*

Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


I'm okay Ravish I got out . . . No thanks to Crocket though.
He's not a spy is he mate?
Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Kenny will you please PM Me this hacked account is getting out of order now.

Sort it out, or I'm outta here.

It's getting beyond a joke now.
How have they got hold of my login details, I thought this site was secure?
Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


I haven't been on this site in ages as I work overseas.

Can anyone who is on admin please go through My account and delete these stupid things that imposters have posted on My behalf?

No wonder people don't come on here I thought it was meant to be an informative website on Middlesbrough football club?
If My work finds out about these allegations I'm supposed to have posted I'll be in serious trouble.

Can someone please get in touch with Me and explain what the hell is going on?

I thought this site was secure we even have VPN on the private network at work.

How have these idiots managed to bypass that?
Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Quote from: AtomicDog on August 30, 2023, 12:28:03 PMCan a member of admin please PM me . . . I think Rifle has hacked my account?

Auld fruit . . . :rudi:

Fucking Owld fruit kid  :rudi2:  :rudi2:  :rudi2:

In With the Lurpak


Play nice children no wonder Teesside has such a bad name, with people like you individual's
Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈




1st off.

Have i read this right?

Baddad is posting on a publicly viewed forum that he has been "asked" to do some armed guarding in Ukraine?

Give over lads!

He has obs read these bouncer posts and is now trying to sucker you all in!

Can see it a mile off!

He might have been round the block. But so i have i. TWICE!



2nd. Dont know what is going on here at RR. But i will get to the bottom of it!
I am watching!

In With the Lurpak

Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on August 31, 2023, 04:43:40 AM1st off.

Have i read this right?

Baddad is posting on a publicly viewed forum that he has been "asked" to do some armed guarding in Ukraine?

Give over lads!

He has obs read these bouncer posts and is now trying to sucker you all in!

Can see it a mile off!

He might have been round the block. But so i have i. TWICE!



2nd. Dont know what is going on here at RR. But i will get to the bottom of it!
I am watching!

that would make sense only if he left it up though Ken he never he posted it then within a minute or so it was gone I screen shot it straight away in-case it did go .. All this mad shite he's been writing is all out of his cuckoo brain and most of em have fell hook line and sinker for it .