China is smart to limit kids’ phone use

Started by Mike Peeler, August 06, 2023, 11:02:55 AM

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Mike Peeler

certainly worth a punt IMO, unless I'm out of touch with things. Technology doesn't run my life at home or when at work. I do see plenty of lives it does appear to have taken over though. Mainly the younger generation. Karen is also right maybe the 'adults' need a rain check also - you see it in pubs now older folk forever fucking about with phones.

I get some lack normal social skills, but fuck me it's getting worse amongst the older generation as well.

Put a limit on it. Let's go all tiddly wink!!

Would a 'time limit' affect you  - if yes - then you also are a phone addict or lack social conversational skills when out and about and in the company of others.. :rav:


Theres enough evidence out thete with adults walking on to roads reading their phones, walking in to lamposts, fountains, the list is endless, oblivious to whats around em

When was the last time you seen someone walking their dog while reading a book, yet you see it regularly on their phones walking their dogs, again oblivious to whats around em


Phone zombies in beats are the worst ....totally oblivious to the world around them


The young'uns wouldn't know what hit them years ago with no mobile phones. Was much better when you went out for a drink and the missus couldn't bother you. Even if she knew Which pub you were in a quick shake of the head to the barmaid when she phoned and you weren't in 😂😂, just go home 3 days later 😂😂

Redsteel (Moderator)

I couldn't live without a phone these days, you simply need one to get by in the modern world. However, I do miss the buzz you got when going out at weekends, eying the skirt, trying to get fixed up with a fit bird, only to take home a sharon or tracy  :charles:


Quote from: tonyangelino on August 06, 2023, 12:08:39 PMThe young'uns wouldn't know what hit them years ago with no mobile phones. Was much better when you went out for a drink and the missus couldn't bother you. Even if she knew Which pub you were in a quick shake of the head to the barmaid when she phoned and you weren't in 😂😂, just go home 3 days later 😂😂
Newcastle House 'your dad's not in' 'is that his twin sat there?'