MH17 today

Started by Ural Quntz (Moderator), July 17, 2023, 11:55:56 AM

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Ural Quntz (Moderator)

Anniversary of the brutal downing of Malayan Airlines MH17 by a Russian FSB agent Girken (AKA Strelken) who organised the false flag operation to discredit Ukraine and remains at large

298 people were killed

Why didnt this cause more global outrage?

Ask the likes of Merkel, Obama, Cameron, Hollande & co who were keen not to challenge Putins lies about it

Russian soldiers took selfies whilst posing against the wreckage

This hideous race needs to be wiped out


Yet a few blokes killed in a leaking tub were world news for two weeks.

Ural Quntz (Moderator)

Quote from: Blott on July 17, 2023, 12:25:38 PMYet a few billionaires killed in a leaking tub were world news for two weeks.

Something wrong somewhere - I blame journo's seeking an easy 'scoop' without them having to do the research

It took Bellingcat (admittedly a British ex journo) to expose MH17 for what it was - State Sponsored Terrorism

Johnny Thunder

Twitter link spacker.


Ural Quntz (Moderator)

Quote from: Johnny Thunder on July 17, 2023, 01:01:16 PMTwitter link spacker.


Looks fine on my screen dafcun



Johnny Thunder

Redsteel (Moderator)

Why commercial passenger flights were allowed to carry on flying over Ukraine when it all kicked off is beyond me.

Couple of Newcastle lads were on that flight also as I remember.  :unbelievable: 

Ural Quntz (Moderator)

Quote from: Redsteel (moderator) on July 17, 2023, 03:01:47 PMWhy commercial passenger flights were allowed to carry on flying over Ukraine when it all kicked off is beyond me.

Couple of Newcastle lads were on that flight also as I remember.  :unbelievable: 

You are right about the two Mags

Going to New Zealand to watch them play

It had only just started in April 2014 in the Donbass - so wasn't a proper war zone at this time

Ukraine weren't kitted up for it


The should call you Colonel Quntz
Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Quote from: Redsteel (moderator) on July 17, 2023, 03:01:47 PMWhy commercial passenger flights were allowed to carry on flying over Ukraine when it all kicked off is beyond me.

Couple of Newcastle lads were on that flight also as I remember.  :unbelievable: 

😔 RIP to all those poor souls x

Ural Quntz (Moderator)

Quote from: AtomicDog on July 17, 2023, 09:29:39 PMThe should call you Colonel Quntz

Aya Aye Sir - General Dog Sir!


Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈