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Started by Nekder (Kenny), May 06, 2024, 08:06:50 AM

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Nekder (Kenny)

I see the guy who walked behind Khan at the election count shouting "Khan has killed London" has been branded a racist and an Islamophobe for his outburst.

Anybody seen the video for Harehills and Gipton in Leeds?

Palestine flags. "For the people of Gaza" shouted. Another bloke who shouted it was wrong was told to "fuck off". And finished off with chants of "Allah Akbar".

Not 1 single mention of Harehills or Gipton. Not 1 mention of the people of the area.

And the most astounding thing? He represented the Green Party!

But any "racist" or condemnation of this everywhere? Nope.

No doubt PC Nowt Elsetodo will be giving me a knock because SOMEBODY will say im being racist.

No. I just think in local elections that the people of the area SHOULD BE the focus of any candidate.
I get in General Elections maybe world politics can play a role but in local elections it should be about the residents and the area.

Nekder (Kenny)

If i was elected locally and some local journo asked me what i thought of Palestine i would say "Unless its a new restaurant in the High St then it does not matter to this area".

Surely not that difficult is it?..